Ish by Peter H Reynolds
Nurse Clementine by Simon James

Beware the Storybook Wolves

Beware the Storybook WolvesOrchard Books, London, 2012

Paperback, 32 pages

ISBN: 978-1-4083-1480-7

Suggested reading age: 6+

Reviewed by: Indrani Perera

Rating: ****

Lauren Child is a very popular author in my house.  When my oldest daughter was three, she went through a HUGE Charlie and Lola phase. Miss Child has a great sense of humour and terrific knack for capturing little children and their foibles.  She also knows how to write a ripping yarn and Beware the Storybook Wolves is no exception.

Beware the Storybook Wolves is a tale of what happens when the wolves in a little boy's favourite bedtime book creep out in the night to eat him.  It has a few tense moments which my five year old found scary (sometimes we have to skip to the end to show her that it turns out okay!) but my nine year old loved it.  So did I!


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