Louise Builds a Boat by Louise Pfanner
Hardcover, 32 pages
ISBN: 978-0-5310-8488-5
Suggested reading age: 3+
Reviewed by: Indrani Perera
Rating: ****
At the end of Louise Builds a House, Louise says she is going to build a boat. After she ended the first book in this way, author Louise Pfanner thought, "Now I am going to have write a book about building a boat!" This book was another happy library discovery. Originally published in the late 1980s, it was republished in 2012 with a note from the author. This edition was printed in 1990.
I love that this book shows young readers how they can build things and I also love that the main character is a woman. I am passionate about my girls growing up to believe that they can do anything they set their minds and hearts to. It's not just boys who love to build things! And there is a secret code message to decipher as well.