A picture tells a thousand words
Dogs by Emily Gravett

Eddie's Kitchen: And how to Make Good Things to Eat by Sarah Garland

Eddie's KitchenFrances Lincoln Publishers, London, 2008

Hardback, 40 pages

ISBN: 978-1-8450-7588-0

Suggested reading age: 4+

Reviewed by: Indrani Perera

Rating: *****

"Its good.  A bit funny." - Phoebe Perera, aged 5

In this charming book, Eddie's grandad is coming to dinner for his birthday.  Eddie, his mum and sister Lily have to hustle to get all the food cooked in time for the party.  While they are busy trying to cook, Mum has lots of interruptions.  First their neighbour with the new baby comes visiting, then the cat brings a mouse into the kitchen, next Mrs Beamish needs a band aid and finally Martin calls and needs to be cheered up. Luckily, Eddie knows just what to do and with some help from Lily they manage to get ready for the party just in time.

This is an inspiring read for kids who love to mess about in the kitchen.  The back of the book has recipes for all the food that Eddie makes as well as some tips for cooking with toddlers.

Other titles in this series: Eddie's Toolbox: And How To Make and Mend Things, Eddie's Garden: How To Make Things Grow


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