Brave Margaret: An Irish Adventure by Robert D San Souci and Sally Wern Comport
Simon & Schuster, New York, 1999
Hardback, 42 pages
Suggested reading age: 8+
Reviewed by: Indrani Perera
Rating: ****
This is just the antidote for all those stories about helpless damsels in distress waiting for a prince to rescue them. Please, give our girls more bold and brave heroines like Margaret. I love sneaking books like these into my daughter's book bag and watch her reading them when we get home!
Brave Margaret is from Ireland and she can cast a spear as well as a herring net. She longs to travel beyond the wide sea. She talks a travelling sailor into taking her with him on his voyage in exchange for her cattle. On the journey many strange and terrible things happen. This story has the feeling of myth with sea serpents, giants and a hag. Where it differs from most myths I know is that the hero of the tale is a woman. Well worth checking out.
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