Forest Singer by Sylvia Sikundar and Alison Astill
Barefoot Books, New York, 1999
Hardback, 32 pages
ISBN: 978-1-9022-8360-9
Suggested reading age: 5+
Reviewed by: Indrani Perera
Rating: ***
Mabuti is a Pygmy who lives with his tribe in a forest on the slopes of the Mountains of the Moon. Everyone in his tribe sings whenever they can. Searching for berries, making a new camp and gathering mushrooms. When Mabuti tried to sing, all his friends covered their ears and teased him. Although he was sad at being teased, he practiced in private until he learnt to sing.
This is a lovely story of preserving in spite of ridicule and it is something that every child (and adult!) can relate to. The end of the book also has more information about Pygmies for readers curious to learn more.