Waffle Hearts by Maria Parr
Hardcover, 240 pages
ISBN: 978-1-4063-4136-2
Suggested reading age: 8+
Reviewed by: Indrani Perera
Rating: *****
This gorgeous book was originally published in 2005 in Maria Parr's native Norwegian. I am so glad it was translated into English. If you are wondering what the book is like, think modern day Pippi Longstocking, only to my mind, much funnier. I read this one myself before giving it to my daughter and laughed aloud, a lot!
Lena Lid and Trille Yttergard are next door neighbours with wild imaginations. As Lena leads Trille from one mad-cap adventure to another, Trille wonders if he is Lena's best friend. Through the adventures of Lena and Trille, Maria Parr has captured the way in which children think and the way that the adults in their lives respond to them. The characters in this story are depicted with humour, insight and sensitivity. This story is a beautiful depiction of what growing up is like - full of laughs, heartache and wonder. You may want to read this book with younger readers as it deals with the death of a loved one and mentions war.