The Houdini Box by Brian Selznick

The Houdini BoxAlfred A Knox, New York, 1991

Hardcover, 56 pages

ISBN: 978-0-6799-1429-7

Suggested reading age: 7+

Reviewed by: Indrani Perera

Rating: ****

As a kid I can remember being fascinated by magicians, especially Harry Houdini.  I remember reading about how he did his magic tricks and trying to escape from ropes tied around my wrist.  The hero of this story is much the same as that little Indrani.  A young boy fascinated by Harry Houdini tries to escape from a locked suitcase and hold his breath under water for as long as he can.  One day, a chance encounter with Houdini leads to the boy being given a locked box by the magician.  What does it hold?  Will it reveal Houdini's secrets?

This book is longer than a picture book but doesn't have chapters.   It would suit readers who are growing out of picture books but not quite ready for a long chapter book.  Beautiflu pencil illustrations accompany the story.

Brave Margaret: An Irish Adventure by Robert D San Souci and Sally Wern Comport

Brave MargaretSimon & Schuster, New York, 1999

Hardback, 42 pages


Suggested reading age: 8+

Reviewed by: Indrani Perera

Rating: ****

This is just the antidote for all those stories about helpless damsels in distress waiting for a prince to rescue them.  Please, give our girls more bold and brave heroines like Margaret.  I love sneaking books like these into my daughter's book bag and watch her reading them when we get home!

Brave Margaret is from Ireland and she can cast a spear as well as a herring net.  She longs to travel beyond the wide sea.  She talks a travelling sailor into taking her with him on his voyage in exchange for her cattle.  On the journey many strange and terrible things happen.  This story has the feeling of myth with sea serpents, giants and a hag.  Where it differs from most myths I know is that the hero of the tale is a woman.  Well worth checking out.

Flux by Kyo Maclear and Matte Stephens

Mr FluxKids Can Press, Ontario, 2013

Hardcover, 32 pages

ISBN: 978-1-554-5378-15

Suggested reading age: 6+

Reviewed by: Indrani Perera

Rating: *****

This book is about Martin who lives on a street where nothing changes. That is until the astonishing Mr Flux moves into the street. Mr Flux is an artist who doesn't paint pictures or create sculptures and yet he creates art and celebrates change.

A wonderful story about the inevitability and wonder of change. Everything changes, a dewdrop, a bubble, a cloud. Even Martin and his street change under the influence of Mr Flux. Mr Flux is based on the founder of the 60s Fluxus movement, George Maciunas.

Home by Carson Ellis

HomeCandlewick Press, Massachusetts, 2015

Hardcover, 40 pages

ISBN: 978-0-7636-6529-6

Suggested reading age: 4+

Reviewed by: Indrani Perera

Rating: ***

Where do people live? What are their homes like? Are they like ours? The beautiful illustrations of this delightful book will answer all these questions. You'll also find out where an Moonian and a raccoon live. Gorgeous!

How to be A Cat by Nikki McClure

How to be a Cat

Abrams Appleseed, New York, 2013

Hardcover, 40 pages

ISBN: 978-1-4197-0528-1

Suggested reading age: 3+

Reviewed by: Indrani Perera

Rating: ****

Nikki McClure has used black paper to create the bold and striking illustrations in this gorgeous picture book. It's amazing how much expression and detail can be conveyed with just three colours, black, blue and white. This is a lovely picture book for younger readers, especially those that love cats.

Secrets of the Rainforest by Carron Brown and Alyssa Nassner

Secrets of the RainforestThe Ivy Press, Lewes, 2015

Paperback, 36 pages

ISBN: 978-1-7824-0183-4

Suggested reading age: 3+

Reviewed by: Indrani Perera

Rating: ****

Another story in the Shine a Light Series of books.  Secrets of the Rainforest takes the reader on a journey through the rainforest where we meet the various animals and insects that call it home.  At the end of the book there is more information about the different levels of the forest and the plants that also call it home.

Other Titles in this series: Secrets of the Apple Tree, Secrets of the Sea Shore

Loula is Leaving for Africa by Anne Villeneuve

Loula is Leaving for AfricaKids Can Press, Ontario, 2014

Hardback, 32 pages

ISBN: 978-1-5545-3941-3

Suggested reading age: 4+

Reviewed by: Indrani Perera

Rating: ****

A story about running away from home - and your three annoying brothers - in style!  Loula's mother is an opera singer, her father a moustache creator and her three brothers are mean, horrible and stinky.  Loula packs her bag and decides to run away to Africa.  She's ably assisted by Gilbert, the family chauffeur.  If only we could all have someone so kind to aid and abet our escape plans.  This story captures a child's imagination with the African savannah (the local park) and it's wildlife (children on monkey bars).

Happy Birthday Madame Chapeau by Andrea Beaty and David Roberts

Happy Birthday Madame ChapeauAbrams, New York, 2014

Hardback, 32 pages

ISBN: 978-1-4197-1219-7

Suggested reading age: 5+

Reviewed by: Indrani Perera

Rating: ****

This is a sweet story about a lonely hat maker who celebrates her birthday each year by dressing in her most elegant dress (the one with the frills and froufrou upon it), putting on her best birthday bonnet and strolling through town to dine - alone - at the best place in town.  What happens to Madame Chapeau when she trips on a root and a bird steals her bonnet?  Does she still dine alone at the best place in town?  This elegant story about a lonesome hat maker brings joy to young children.

What's Your Story? by Rose Giannone and Bern Emmerichs

What's Your Story?Berbay Publishing, Vic, 2013

Hardback, 40 pages

ISBN: 978-0-9806-7-1155

Suggested reading age: 6+

Reviewed by: Indrani Perera

Rating: ****

I seem to be on a bit of an Australian history kick with the picture books lately.  Not sure if it's luck or by choice but I am enjoying these books that bring Australian history to younger readers.  This one especially with it's theme of everyone having a story and the explanation that even countries have stories.

What's Your Story? introduces young readers to the idea and importance of story and retells the story of Leonard, an orphaned English boy and a young girl, Milba, from the Eora tribe.  I really liked Bern Emmerich's illustrations.  I'm not sure what the style is called but they were fresh and appealing.  My only complaint about this book is that there wasn't a page at the end telling us more about the two main characters and their lives.

The Dreamkeeper by Robert Ingpen

The DreamkeeperPutnam Publishing Group, US, 2006

Hardback, 32 pages

ISBN: 978-0-6984-0036-8

Suggested reading age: 6+

Reviewed by: Indrani Perera

Rating: *****

Robert Ingpen is a supremely talented Australian illustrator.  The Dreamkeeper is a tale he has written especially for his granddaughter, Alice Elisabeth.  Luckily for those of us without artistic grandfathers, the story has been published for everyone to read!

Nobody has seen the Dreamkeeper but we do know that he wears old fashioned clothes hung with charms and lures for catching mischievous creatures that have escaped from The Great Dreamtree.  Once he captures the creatures, he returns them to the tree so they can't do any harm in the space between what is really happening and what you imagine might happen.  Gorgeous!