Picture Books - Gardening Feed

A First Book of Nature by Nicola Davies and Mark Herald

A First Book of NatureWalker Books, Place, Year

Hardback, 108 pages

ISBN: 978-1-4063-0491-6

Suggested reading age: 6+

Reviewed by: Indrani Perera

Rating: *****

I have to admit, it was the cute squirrel on the cover that got me to pick up this book.  And the collage style in which it is illustrated.  When I opened the book I wasn't disappointed. (see, you can judge a book by its cover!).  The gorgeous illustrations of Mark Herald are accompanied by beautiful prose from author Nicola Davies.  This is a book to dip into for inspiration and connection to the seasons.

Complete with recipes and activities based around each of the seasons this is a great book to have on your shelves at home.  Especially for those readers in the northern hemisphere.  Now if only there was a similar book for us antipodeans!  Leave me a comment if you know of one.

The Secret Remedy Book by Karin Cates & Wendy Anderson Halperin

The Secret Remedy BookScholastic, New York, 2003

Hardcover, 40 pages

ISBN: 978-0-4393-5226-0

Suggested reading age: 5+

Reviewed by: Indrani Perera

Rating: *****

In The Secret Remedy Book, Lolly goes to stay with her aunt, on her own, for a whole month.  It is something that she has been wanting to do for a very long time.  But after her parents drive away, she begins to feel sad and homesick.  Her lovely Aunt Zep knows just why to do.  Together they search for The Secret Remedy book and set about completing each remedy in the book before the first hoot of the owl.

After reading this book, I wanted to create a Secret Remedy book just like the one that Lolly and Aunt Zepp use.  Full of good remedies such drinking apple juice so fresh that you could taste the blossoms of the apples, take a walk as far as you can to see something you've never noticed before and feeding a wild thing.