Picture Books - Humourous Feed

Dogs by Emily Gravett

DogsSimon and Schuster, NY, 2010

Hardback, 32 pages

ISBN: 978-1-4169-8703-1

Suggested reading age: 5+

Reviewed by: Indrani Perera

Rating: ****

Emily Gravett is one of my favourite authors and illustrators. She has a very quirky and mischievous way of looking at the world and her books are anything but ordinary.  In this book, the unseen narrator tells us all about her love of dogs.  All dogs.  Stroppy dogs, soppy dogs, hairy dogs and bald dogs.  But who is her favourite dog?  Read the book and find out!

Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus by Mo Willems

Dont let the Pigeon drive the busWalker Books, London, 2004

Paperback, 35 pages

ISBN: 978-1-8442-8513-6

Suggested reading age: 3+

Reviewed by: Indrani Perera

Rating: *****

The Pigeon Drive the Bus is one of a very funny series of books by award winning author, Mo Willems.  The books are about a cheeky pigeon who gets up to all sorts of mischief.

I know I said I hate books where animals dress up as people.  And I do.  Draw people if you want to tell a story about people and if you are doing a story about animals, make them animals, doing animal things.  The pigeon in this book acts like a person but thankfully, isn't wearing a cute little dress.  It is stretching things a bit to include these books on the site but that darn pigeon captured all our hearts.  He is cheeky, irreverent and just more than a little bit like a small child.  He is also funny enough that all the family like him - kids and parents alike.  But whatever, you do, don't let the pigeon drive the bus!

Other titles in this series: The Duckling gets a Cookie?!, The Pigeon Needs a Bath, Don't Let the Pigeon Stay up Late, The Pigeon Finds a Hotdog and The Pigeon Has Feelings Too.

No Bears by Meg McKinlay and Leila Rudge

No BearsCandlewick Press, Massachusette, 2012

Hardback, 32 pages

ISBN: 9780763658908

Suggested reading age: 5+

Reviewed by: Indrani Perera

Rating: *****

I completely sympathise with the heroine of this book who insists that it is her book and there will be no grotty bears in it at all.  She wants a story with princess and castles and monsters but NO BEARS!  What will the princess do when the monster tries to catch her?  Who will save her?  Kids will love following the running visual joke in the book as their parents read them the story.

Meet the Parents by Peter Bently and Sarah Ogilvie

Meet the ParentsSimon and Schuster Children's Books, London, 2014

Hardback, 32 pages

ISBN: 9780857075819

Suggested reading age: 4+

Reviewed by: Indrani Perera

Rating: *****

This book starts out with a list of all the annoying things your parents do, like boss you around and tell you what to do.  Luckily it then moves on to all the great things about parents - targets for ketchup,  tent poles for wonky dens and dustbins for bits you don't want to eat.  Once they've sorted out all your pickles, there's always time for...

Hubert Horatio Bartle Bobton Trent by Lauren Child

Hubert HoratioHodder Children's Books, London, 2005

Paperback, 50 pages

ISBN: 9780340877890

Suggested reading age: 5+

Reviewed by: Indrani Perera

Rating: *****

This is another hilarious book from the award-winning author, Lauren Child.  Lauren Child is a genius.  It's true - in our house her books are much loved by all of us, adults and children alike.  She has a deft turn of phrase, an eye for the absurd and a unique style of illustration.  Her stories are fanciful, absurd and funny.  Her characters are likeable and spot on.

Hubert Horatio Bartle Bobton Trent is the story of a rich, little boy who is a genius.  His parents are frightfully, frightfully rich socialites.  They love buying lavish things, entertaining and playing games.  What will happen when the money runs out?  Can Hubert save the day?  Read this book and find out.

Beware the Storybook Wolves

Beware the Storybook WolvesOrchard Books, London, 2012

Paperback, 32 pages

ISBN: 978-1-4083-1480-7

Suggested reading age: 6+

Reviewed by: Indrani Perera

Rating: ****

Lauren Child is a very popular author in my house.  When my oldest daughter was three, she went through a HUGE Charlie and Lola phase. Miss Child has a great sense of humour and terrific knack for capturing little children and their foibles.  She also knows how to write a ripping yarn and Beware the Storybook Wolves is no exception.

Beware the Storybook Wolves is a tale of what happens when the wolves in a little boy's favourite bedtime book creep out in the night to eat him.  It has a few tense moments which my five year old found scary (sometimes we have to skip to the end to show her that it turns out okay!) but my nine year old loved it.  So did I!