Picture Books - Multicultural Feed

Mooncakes by Loretta Seto and Renne Benoit

MooncakesOrca Books, Canada, 2013

Hardback,  32 pages

ISBN: 978-1-4598-0107-3

Suggested reading age: 5+

Reviewed by: Indrani Perera

Rating: **

I love this book.  It was one of the first multicultural books I discovered at our local library.  My daughters love it as well and we have borrowed it many times. Moncakes is the story of a little girl's Chinese Moon Festival celebrations with her family.  They make moon cakes, light paper lanterns and sit outside under the light of the moon telling stories about the moon.  This book beautifully weaves together traditional stories with the story of the little girl.

Night Sky Dragons by Mal Peet and Elspeth Graham

Night Sky DragonsWalker Books, London, 2014

Hardback, 64 pages

ISBN: 978-1-4063-0985-0

Suggested reading age: 9+

Reviewed by: Indrani Perera

Rating: ****

Yazul is a young boy who lives in a remote han, a place of safety along the Silk Road.  He father is the lord of the han and Yazul spends his days in his grandfather's workshop learning the art of building kites.  His father wants Yazul to give up kite making with his grandfather and learn to be a lord.  Yazul is torn in two, between his love of kites and his love for his father.  Night Sky Dragons is the story of how Yazul finds a way to please his father and fly his kites.


Running with the Horses by Alison Lester

Running with the HorsesPenguin, Australia, 2009

Hardback, 32 pages

ISBN: 978-0-670-86833-9

Suggested reading age: 9+

Reviewed by: Indrani Perera

Rating: ****

A fabulous tale of adventure and bravery from wonderful Australian author and illustrator, Alison Lester.  Nina and her father, Viktor the stable master,  live above the palace stables at the Royal Academy of Dancing Horses.  Nina dreams of of one day becoming a rider at the Academy.  Her dreams are dashed when war rips throughout the country, forcing Nina, her father and Karl the groom to take the remaining Academy horses on a long and perilous journey across the mountains to her grandparent's home.

Forest Singer by Sylvia Sikundar and Alison Astill

Forest SingerBarefoot Books, New York, 1999

Hardback, 32 pages

ISBN: 978-1-9022-8360-9

Suggested reading age: 5+

Reviewed by: Indrani Perera

Rating: ***

Mabuti is a Pygmy who lives with his tribe in a forest on the slopes of the Mountains of the Moon.  Everyone in his tribe sings whenever they can.  Searching for berries, making a new camp and gathering mushrooms.  When Mabuti tried to sing, all his friends covered their ears and teased him.  Although he was sad at being teased, he practiced in private until he learnt to sing.  

This is a lovely story of preserving in spite of ridicule and it is something that every child (and adult!) can relate to.  The end of the book also has more information about Pygmies for readers curious to learn more.   

Brave Margaret: An Irish Adventure by Robert D San Souci and Sally Wern Comport

Brave MargaretSimon & Schuster, New York, 1999

Hardback, 42 pages


Suggested reading age: 8+

Reviewed by: Indrani Perera

Rating: ****

This is just the antidote for all those stories about helpless damsels in distress waiting for a prince to rescue them.  Please, give our girls more bold and brave heroines like Margaret.  I love sneaking books like these into my daughter's book bag and watch her reading them when we get home!

Brave Margaret is from Ireland and she can cast a spear as well as a herring net.  She longs to travel beyond the wide sea.  She talks a travelling sailor into taking her with him on his voyage in exchange for her cattle.  On the journey many strange and terrible things happen.  This story has the feeling of myth with sea serpents, giants and a hag.  Where it differs from most myths I know is that the hero of the tale is a woman.  Well worth checking out.

Home by Carson Ellis

HomeCandlewick Press, Massachusetts, 2015

Hardcover, 40 pages

ISBN: 978-0-7636-6529-6

Suggested reading age: 4+

Reviewed by: Indrani Perera

Rating: ***

Where do people live? What are their homes like? Are they like ours? The beautiful illustrations of this delightful book will answer all these questions. You'll also find out where an Moonian and a raccoon live. Gorgeous!

Happy Birthday Madame Chapeau by Andrea Beaty and David Roberts

Happy Birthday Madame ChapeauAbrams, New York, 2014

Hardback, 32 pages

ISBN: 978-1-4197-1219-7

Suggested reading age: 5+

Reviewed by: Indrani Perera

Rating: ****

This is a sweet story about a lonely hat maker who celebrates her birthday each year by dressing in her most elegant dress (the one with the frills and froufrou upon it), putting on her best birthday bonnet and strolling through town to dine - alone - at the best place in town.  What happens to Madame Chapeau when she trips on a root and a bird steals her bonnet?  Does she still dine alone at the best place in town?  This elegant story about a lonesome hat maker brings joy to young children.

The Genius of Leonardo by Guido Visconti and Bimba Landmann

The Genius of LeonardoBarefoot Books, Bath, 2000

Harback, 36 pages

ISBN: 978-1-8414-8300-9

Suggested reading age: 10+

Reviewed by: Indrani Perera

Rating: ****

"A person's life is just a moment in infinity." Leonardo da Vinci

I really like the illustrations in this book about the life of Leonardo da Vinci.  They are in a more abstract style, reminiscent of paintings from the period.  The story itself is told from the perspective of his apprentice, Giacomo.  His master had this to say about the young Giacomo "1490. Giacomo has come to live with me.  He is ten years old.  He is a liar, a thief and a greedy brute."  The book skilfully weaves quotes from Da Vinici's journals into the story.

At the beginning and end of the book are two double page spreads that describe the work of Da Vinci, using pages from his journals.  A great book to introduce readers to the work of this influential thinker.

Mr Pak Buys a Story by Carol Farley and Benrei Huang

Mr Pak buys a StoryAlbert Whitman & Company, 1997


ISBN: 978-0-8075-5178-3

Suggested reading age: 6+

Reviewed by: Indrani Perera

Rating: ****

A cute story within a story, Mr Pak Buys a Story is a historical tale from Korea.  At that time, wandering storytellers would travel through the land, telling stories and entertaining audiences.  In this tale, Mr and Mrs Kim live deep in the heart of the country and they send their servant to the city to buy a story.  A theif swindles the hapless Mr Pak but in the end it is Mr Pak who has the last laugh as you will discover when you read this book.

Dot to Dot by Malcolm Cossons and Neil Stevens

Dot to DotThames and Hudson, London, 2013

Hardcover, 32 pages

ISBN: 978-0-5006-5015-8

Suggested reading age: 3+

Reviewed by: Indrani Perera

Rating: ****

This is a cute book about a little girl and her grandmother.  They share the same name and the same birthday but unfortunately live on different sides of the world.  How will they manage to spend their birthday together?  The illustrations have a retro feel to them with a limited colour palette.  The book itself is a flip-over book.  One side is Dot's story and the other side is her grandmother's story.  Neat idea, nicely done.